GLD Airdrop #4
Everything you need to know about the GLD Airdrops
Mayan Gold (GLD) is the main currency of MayaScan and its Ordinal protocol features. It's used to power Perpetuals, M-NFT based games, Mayans and pro features like messaging, push notifications and more.
~40% of GLD's supply will be distributed via 4 airdrops. find out how to be part of the airdops below.
Get some GLD now to increase your Airdrop Bonus.
Airdrop #4
21 Sep 2024 @ 19:00
(5 months ago)
GLD amount: up to 12.5M (5% of supply)
Max recipients: 600 addresses
Expected Value/recipient: $1,237
To be elegible for this airdrop you must:
Hold $1,000+ in symmetric LP on the GLD/CACAO pool*** (A daily snapshot counts your LP USD value. To maximize your reward, aim to hold as much value as possible every day, with the best rewards going to those who consistently hold $10,000 or more)
Increase your reward by completing bonus tasks:
Swap on ClioSwap (2m GLD) Swap Now! ➡️
Hold at least 20 MAYA (1m GLD) Buy Now! 🛒
Win at least 3 "Waters of War" games (2m GLD) Play Now! 🕹️
Open at least 2 Mystery Gold boxes (2m GLD) Open Now! 🎁
Hold at least 20,000 MRC-20 GLD (1m GLD) Buy Now! 🪙
*** The LP should be Symmetric or Asymmetric from the CACAO side.
The bonuses and rewards for Airdrop #4 are capped at various levels based on the following milestones:
Under 300 qualifying addresses
Base reward
1k GLD
Between 300-399 qualifying addresses
Base reward
2k GLD
Between 400-499 qualifying addresses
Base reward
3k GLD
500 qualifying addresses
Base reward
5k GLD
Increase your GLD earnings from Airdrop #3 by helping the community reach our milestones. Every participant counts!
Share the wordAirdrop #4 completed! 🎁
Connect your wallet and claim your reward now!